Hey guys…
Where do I even begin? This is a fresh start. A brand new blog. Starting from scratch after my old blog vanished. It’s a very long story, but bottom line is my business credit card got stolen, so my blog didn’t auto renew, I wasn’t aware until it was much too late and once you go a certain amount of days over… they delete your blog. Like, gone. Bye, bye. Never to be seen again. 7 years of my life, my client stories, personal journals, hundreds of questions answered for photographers, my entire photography journal… GONE. After over a year, I’m done crying over it and I’m finally ready to start a fresh one… so here it begins! Here’s to moving past icky things, forgiving yourself, and getting back up again.
I look forward to sharing so much with you. Personal stories, client images & stories, informational posts, encouraging posts and so much more.
Happy Sunday everyone!
To chasing dreams and adventure,
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